Common Types of Cancer Treatments

All cancer treatments use surgery, radiation, medication, and other types of therapy to shrinkor stop the progression of the disease. But, the procedure a patient receives depends on their preference, how severe their illness is, whether the bad cells have spread, and their general health condition.

Each treatment offersdifferent benefits and side effects. Here are the 3 most common procedures board-certified doctors use:


This methodutilizes drugs to stop the progressionof cancer cells and eradicate them. It can be a primary or supplemental treatment, and it’s also used to relieve the symptoms of more severe cases.

The drugs can be administered orally or topically or injected directly into the veins, central nervous system, or abdominal cavity. Their most common side effects are fatigue, a drop in platelet count, an increased risk of getting infections, breathlessness, damaged nerves, and hair loss. But, these are all short-term, and the patient will feel mostly normal once sessions are finished.

Radiation Therapy

Radiotherapy uses special equipment to send high doses of radiation to destroy cancer cells, shrink tumors, and ease painful symptoms. Because each stage of this illness needs a different approach, every patient’s treatment plan will vary. They may undergo either an internal or external procedure.

Radiation therapy causes a range of side effects, such as tiredness, hair loss, skin irritation, and breathing and swallowing difficulties. This method can be given along with other treatments, like surgery, chemo, and immunotherapy. Throughout the sessions, a radiation oncologist will monitor the effectiveness of the dose they’re giving and adjust it accordingly.


Surgical treatments involve the removal of tissues or bones affected by cancer. Depending on whether the disease has spread, the stage of the illness, the size of the tumor, and the age of the patient, they may have to undergo a procedure. It’ll then be combined with chemo, radiotherapy, or hormone therapy to ensure that the cancer won’t come back.

Its common side effects are infection, swelling, fatigue, pain, and nausea. Patients are required to come back a few times after the surgery so the doctor can have their stitches removed and check whether they’re healing properly.

Because these treatments are highly sensitive, doctors undergo continuing education to increase their knowledge and skills and improve their performance. Most of them take breast cancer CE courses, among other programs required for their specialization, including learning about the equipment needed, such as CO2 laser chillers.